Novels & Novellas
- Of Wurm and Men (Infinite Black & Creature Curation, Coming 2025)
- A Psalm Sung in Spores: Citadel (Madness Heart Press, August 2024)
- The Unclean Verses (D&T Publishing, January 2024)!
- No Guilt of Bloodshed (Death Head Press, September 2023)
- Audiobook Coming Soon
- No Guilt of Bloodshed (LCE Thunderstorm Books, 2024)
- All I want is to Take Shrooms and Listen to the Color of Nazis’ Screams (Planet Bizarro Press, August 2023)!
- The Hillels Have Eyes ( Madness Heart Press, 2023)
- Mork Borg & Dodz Bringare Series
- Whispers of the Dead Saint (Madness Heart Games, 2023)
- Audio Book (Narrated by John Wayne Communale)
- Howling of the Unfortunate Dead (Madness Heart Games Coming 2025)
- Whispers of the Dead Saint (Madness Heart Games, 2023)
- Abhorrent Siren Series
- Abhorrent Siren (St. Rooster Books, 2021)*
- Audio Book (Narrated by John Wayne Communale)
- Abhorrent Faith (St. Rooster Books, 2022)!
- Abhorrent Accords (St. Rooster Books, 2024)
- Abhorrent Existence (LCE Thunderstorm Books, 2024)
- Abhorrent Siren (St. Rooster Books, 2021)*
- Blood & Mud (St. Rooster Books, 2020)
- Audiobook (Narrated by Sean Durreger, 2021)
- Book of Ze’ev Series
- Trief Magic (Book 1, Aggadah Try It, 2020)
- Son of the Right Hand (Book 2, Aggadah Try It, 2021)
- Sheyd of Grey (Book 3, Aggadah Try It, 2022)
- UPD Series
- The Texas UPD Omnibus (Madness Heart Press, 2021)
- Splatterpulp Series
- War of Dictates (Death Head Press, 2020)*
- Bel The Last Dragon: Jungles of Habbiel (Kaiju Poet Publications, May 2022)
- Audiobook (Narrated by John Wayne Communale)
- Ibiranu the Fleshcrafter: Children of Gods ( Kaiju Poet Publications, January 2023)
Non-English Editions
- Whispers of the Dead Saint (Zeppelin Books, Italian Language, November 2024)
- Journey Through the Dying Lands (Zeppelin Books, Italian Language, January 2025)
- No Guilt of Bloodshed (Independent legions, Italian Language, Coming Soon)
- The Crimes & Passions of John Stabberger (Godless.com, 2021-2022)!
- The Configuration Discordant Audiobook (Narrated by Tim Alexander, Kaiju Poet Publications, 2019)*
Short Stories
- Messengers [Fragile, Roshambo Publishing, 2024)
- Screams of the Necropolis (Journey Through the Dying Lands, 2024)
- Psilocybe Moshe (Red Stars and Shattered Shields, Yuriko Publishing, 2024)
- Lesson for the Damned (Stranger with Friction: Issue Issue Ten, St. Rooster Books, 2023)
- The Assassination of Mr. Baltisberger (Razor Blade in the Fun-Size Candy, St. Rooster Books, 2023)
- Lillith (Stranger With Friction: Issue Six, St. Rooster Books, 2022)
- Tainted Love (No Anesthetic II: An Extreme Horror Anthology, Splatter Ink Publishing, 2022)
- Box of Teeth (Antifa Splatterpunk Anthology, Cursed Morsels, 2022)
- Eighth Night (The Jewish Book of Horror, The Denver Horror Collective, 2021)
- Penitent (Stranger with Friction Issue 3, St. Rooster Books, 2021)
- Goatman’s Bridge (Texas Horror Comic Anthology, 2021)
- Palache and the Leviathan (Let the World Drown, St. Rooster Books, September 2021)
- From the Bottle (Let the World Drown, St. Rooster Books, September 2021)
- En Amarillo (Stranger with Friction Issue 2, St. Rooster Books, 2021)
- Leviathan’s Legato (Devour the Earth, Madness Heart Press, 2020)
- Father’s Mission (Horror USA: Texas, Soteira Press, 2020)
- Greetings from Gehenna (13 Postcards from Hell, 2020)
- Policy of Neglect written under the name James Lief (American Cult, Madness Heart Press 2019)
- Highway Severance (Flash Fiction for Flash Memory, Anchala Studios, 2018)
- The Pleasant Folk (Unfading Daydream Issue 2, 2017)
- Giant Monsters Reel & Imagined (Stranger with Friction Issue 3, St. Rooster Books, 2021)
- The Subjective Truth of the Esoteric Self (Kaiju Poet Publications, 2020)
Games Design & Writing
All Self-Published and MHP Games available on Itch.io
- The Gremlining [Designer/Layout/Writing]
- Chainsaw [Contributor/Editor] -Coming Soon
- Mork Dodz [Contributor] – Coming Soon
- Black Rainbow Society [Contributor] – Coming Soon
- Overgrowth [Writer/Designer]
- Unsettling Horror in Anti-Bigotry Splatterpunk Environments – [Writer]
- HANNIBAL the RPG [Writer] – Coming Soon
- OBSCURE [Editor/Contributor] !
- Magen Chaim, a Jewish OSE Zine [Writer/Designer]
- They Think They’re Saving Us [Layout]
- Rise of the Terrortoma [Design/Writing/Layout]
- YOUR MOM! [Contributor/Layout]
- LIVING CITIES [Design/Writing/Layout]
- Bilge [Contributor]
- Welcome to the Splatter League [Writing/Design/Layout]
- Red Room [Writing/Layout]
- The Apostles of Affliction [Writing/Design]
- The Hungry Dawn [Designer/Layout]
- Vast Grimm: Into Oblivion [Guest Adventure Writer/Designer]
- Odd Gobs [Writer/Co-Designer]
- Morkkibeans 1.1 [Writer/Designer]
- Godless League Adventures [Writer/Design Lead/Layout]
- Numinous Brutality [Writer/Design Lead/Layout]
- Liminal_ [Contributor]
- SVMP [Editor/Contributor]
- sMörkåsBorg #1 [Contributor]
- Gruff: Stuff of Nightmares [Editor]
Blogging & Journalism
- Gamifying Dread: Indie TTRPG Review (Momento Mori Ink Magazine)
- TTRPG Reader Reviews – (WanMonCast.com)
- Gaming and Music Articles – (Stranger with Friction Magazine)
- Game Journalism (Games.MXDWN.com)
- Madness Heart Press Blog
(*) denotes that the work has been nominated for an award.
(!) denotes that the work has won an award.